Short-Run & Mass Production Mold Making Services

At 3ERP, our team of expert engineers and designers helps large and small companies around the world to make the world’s best prototypes and precision parts. We work with all kinds of engineers, product designers, and entrepreneurs from a wide range of industries like automotive, medical devices, aerospace, consumer & commercial products.

We can help you translate your design and invention blueprints into manufactured prototypes using our services such as CNC prototyping, Vacuum casting, and 3D printing. And we can manufacture your parts quickly so you can test the market before investing in tooling and producing larger quantities, using our services such as Rapid tooling, Pressure die casting, Sheet metal forming, and Custom extrusion.

Here are some examples of projects our team has worked on, with details about how each prototype or part was made.

Xbox Controller Prototype

In October 2019, Microsoft began trials for its cloud gaming streaming service, Project xCloud. The service, which runs games on remote

Precision machined trophies for Core77 Design Awards

Each year, the industrial design website Core77 hosts the Core77 Design Awards, where it “celebrates the richness of the design profession

Customize Shoes for Lady Gaga

When rapid prototyping is mentioned, the first thing that pops up in our minds is always what it can do for industry. But rapid prototyping is also

Diamond Cut Lamborghini Model

This is an old project we did for UN in 2013. In order to stay within budget, we made it using SLA (stereolithography) and painted it black. The

Rapid Tooling for Tail Light Project

Can you imagine attempting to make prototype tools for over 30 components in just two months? Our customer desperately needed

Ready to Start Your Rapid Tooling Projects?